It's our focus on sensible, low-cost investment solutions that differentiates us in the market.

Strategic Asset Allocation

We don’t try to time markets, moving your money tactically between equities and bonds based on the relative return expectations because typically this strategy does not add value. Instead we have fixed allocations to the asset classes and make sure your money is well spread across the global asset pools.

We found that tactical funds generally struggled to deliver competitive risk-adjusted returns when compared with a traditional balanced fund. With a few exceptions, they gained less, were more volatile, or were subject to just as much downside risk as a 60 percent-40 percent mix of U.S. stocks and bonds.
Source: Morningstar Research of Tactical Asset Allocation Funds, 2012


An exchange traded fund (ETF) is an investment fund traded on a stock exchange. They are diversified, transparent, low-cost and liquid investment funds. We evaluate the thousands available and select appropriate ones to be used as the primary building blocks of the Stylo portfolios.

Total Global ETF assets (in $bn)


Low-Fee Advantage

It’s a staggering thought that by eliminating an annual 1% asset fee, you can increase your investment value by 50% after forty years.

Increase in investment value by eliminating a 1% asset fee